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Hillmert, Steffen, University of Tübingen
Hoberg, Nikolai, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Sustainability Economics Group
Hoffmann, Jonathan M.
Hoffmann, Jonathan M., University of Warwick


Igrioglu, Gamze
Ihlow, Melissa, Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations
Istenič, Tanja, University of Ljubljana


Jodoin, Sébastien, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Joseph, Stephen


Kalla, Stephanie, FRFG
Kattan, Johannes
Kausch-Zongo, Judith
Kershaw, Paul, University of British Columbia
Kinne, Lavinia
Klammer, Ute, University of Duisburg-Essen
Köbe, Philipp, Hashtag Gesundheit e.V.
Koebe, Philipp
Koesling, Dominik
Kohli, Martin, European University Institute, Florence
Kölln, Ann-Kristin, Aarhus University Guest Editor
Kölln, Ann-Kristin, Aarhus University
Kotlikoff, Laurence J., Boston University
Kramer, Hans-Ulrich, Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations
Krook, Mona Lena, Rutgers University
Kühn, Boris, Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations

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