Focus and Scope

The IGJR publishes articles from the social sciences/humanities, reflecting the current state of research on intergenerational justice. The journal is released biannually and employs a scientific peer review process (double-blind). Its editorial board consists of 50 internationally renowned experts from ten different countries.

The IGJR is indexed under Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Proposed citation
The IGJR appears on a regular basis since 2015. In 2015, "Youth Quotas" was the only issue and is counted as Vol. 1 (1). Since 2016, the IGJR appears biannually (2016 = volume 2; 2017 = volume 3; etc.).
To cite an article in one of these issues, please indicate volume, issue and page number. For instance:
Bidadanure, Juliana (2015): Better Procedures for Fairer Outcomes: Youth Quotas in Parliaments. In: Intergenerational Justice Review, 1 (1), 40-46.

There have been six special issues before 2015 that are not numbered consecutively. To cite an article in one of these pre-2015 issues, please use page numbers only without "volume".
For instance:
Lumer, Christoph (2009): Climate Change, Intergenerational Justice and Development. In: Intergenerational Justice Review, pp. 88-94.


Between 2013 and 2016, the journal benefited from the three-year expansion grant by the German Research Association (DFG).

Open Access Policy

The IGJR is published on an open-access basis in order to make its research findings available without restrictions to the scientific community and the wider public. The IGJR does neither have article processing charges (APC) nor article submission charges.


IGJR is indexed under the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). For more information, visit

All issues can also be accessed article by article at the Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR). Due to its availability via SSOAR, all articles are equipped with a Persistent Identifier (PID, see for example The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a second guarantee that each IGJR articles is identifiable.

The complete issues are available, among others, via this website and the German National Library (DNB), in which the journal is digitally archived. And last but not least, Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) and the Electronic Journal Library (EZB) have indexed the IGJR.


Articles in IGJR are being published under the Creative-Commons License "CC 4.0 BY". On the basis of this license, the article may be edited and changed, but the author always has to be credited for the original work. By sending your article to IGJR, you agree to the publication of your article under this license. Please contact us if you do not want to have your article be published under CC 4.0 BY.


The IGJR is an open-access journal and is kindly hosted by the University Library of the University Tübingen.